Taking AP (advanced placement) courses in high school can save you money in college. Yes, really. AP courses aren’t for every student; they’re more difficult than a general high school course and sometimes have academic standards which need to be met before a student can...

A letter of recommendation from a high school teacher is a fairly common requirement in the college application process, but an extraordinary one can help your application truly stand out.    Which teacher should you ask It may be stating the obvious, but you should ask a teacher...

College fairs are a good opportunity to learn more about a prospective school. Many times, a college admissions officer will be joined by a local alumni or current student which provides you a chance to dig deeper and ask some questions whose answers may not...

There’s been much written about the importance of your college admission essay, or personal statement, over the years—it's your time to stand out so be sure to use your college essay to make a good impression. It’s your chance to impression admissions officers and really...

There are more than 3,000 four-year degree schools in the United States. There’s no way to learn about every single one, so how is a prospective student supposed to decide where they want to apply?  When you work with the team at Accolade Financial, you’ll receive...

With school starting for most students in just a few weeks, many high schoolers are enjoying the last gasps of their summer vacation. While enjoying that last trip to the beach, students should also be thinking about how they are going to get involved in...

School’s out for summer. That means you’re sleeping in, going to camp, visiting the beach, grilling in the backyard, and taking family trips.  Summer vacation is also an ideal time to continue your college preparations: Work a summer job and start good financial habits by opening...

What does college really cost? Oftentimes it is the very first question families ask when deciding where their student should apply. It’s a good question and something Accolade Financial can help you sort out; so let’s get into the details.  Tuition is typically the biggest segment...

Given the ever-increasing cost of college, it is becoming more and more common to see grandparents helping out with some of the financing. Due to recent regulation changes, where the money intended for college is saved and how it is distributed can have a strong...

Navigating Whose Income and Assets Count When a Students' Parents Live in Separate Households For students whose biological parents are no longer together, the college process can include additional challenges. Most notably, the financial aid process becomes much more complicated. Care should be taken to understand...