30 Jan Why Should I Use a College Planner
Why should I use a college planner? It’s a question we’re asked all the time, even from friends and our own family. Today, we want to share a couple of reasons why we do what we do and why we think it’s important.
The importance of making the right choice after high school has become more complicated in recent years. For those students pursuing a college education, the admissions process has become more challenging. And financing a college education even more so. The availability of information on the internet is abundant. College’s websites highlight their best attributes. An application is at your fingertips. And there is a stagger amount to read about the exacting details of financial aid. We understand it can be overwhelming and that’s why we’re here to help.
What Schools to Apply To
There are thousands upon thousands of colleges in the United States. That means there is a school for every student to succeed; in fact there’s probably a handful. That can make selecting schools to apply to stressful. It shouldn’t be. You only apply for college once—you should be deliberate and enjoy the process. We will work with you to identify the ten most important attributes for your family when it comes to a college. From there, we’ll help narrow your search from thousands to a half dozen to focus on. You can read online, speak with admissions officers, and even visit before making a final decision on whether to apply.
The Application Process
Test scores, GPA, extracurriculars, letters of recommendations, and personal essays are all part of the application process. We won’t do of them for you, but will be your partner along the way to keep you on the right track. We’ve seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and know what’s going to make your application stand out and what’s going to be a miss. And we’ll help you stay organized so you don’t miss any important deadlines along the way.
Financial Aid and Saving Your Family Money
Ultimately, money talks. You may be admitted to your dream school, but what if you can’t afford to attend? That’s why we like to start early (looking at your incoming high school freshmen) with your family to determine the best strategies to save and finance the most expensive four years of your life. We’ll help you understand financial aid forms, the FAFSA, award letters, appeals, and ultimately your expected family contribution. An errant number along the way can end up costing your family tens of thousands of dollars. We want to avoid that.
So next time you ask yourself, “Why should I use a college planner?” you have the answers. Now we hope it’s the team at Accolade Financial you choose to work with—schedule your first meeting today.